the washington dc trip

I'm a whole week late, but after a hectic week, I finally got the time to upload these pictures!

I went to DC last weekend/this week (Saturday night - Tuesday morning). Three other Samahangers and I went on a trip to lobby for a congressional recognition for Filipino-American Veterans that served in World War II. Yup, that sounds pretty intense- and it kinda was! Not only was this the first time ever lobbying, I had a personal connection to the issue that we were advocating for. Not until this past October, did I find out that my grandfather served in the WWII, which kinda goes to show of how unrecognized they are. And I'm sure other people don't even know that their family may have served, because they don't feel as important as those who were recognized. During every lobby visit when we would go over the history and lay out the facts of how many of our people died for this country, it left me in awe. Sometimes when we learn about our history, it doesn't actually hit us until we put a face to these people. So for me to be given this opportunity, it felt empowering to be pushing for something so close to home.

Besides the lobbying, we were able to visit a few memorials and meet up with a few alumni. Even though we didn't get to adventure around too much, meeting up with UCLA Samahang Alumni was very reassuring. Especially right now, I feel like I'm in a place of stress since I'm just about to graduate. It's time for me to pave way for a new path and it's exciting- yet terrifying. However, the alumni gave me hope that I could be doing what I'm passionate about as long as I believe in myself and I go for it. For me, I'm still trying to figure out what exactly that is.. although I do have some ideas ... but I'll cliff hang this one for a bit.

Saturday: flew to DC all day, visited the Lincoln Memorial and met some random people there
Sunday: brunch with alumni and lobby training
Monday: lobbied and visited the White House
Tuesday: flew back to LA

Overall, it was a quick trip but it was also a motivating and humbling experience.


  • lobby for what you believe in
  • get drunk at the lincoln memorial
  • get a library card
  • go bike riding
  • meet new people
  • but don't be afraid to leave the people you meet if you realize they're racist


Meet The Author

Jackie G. 22. UCLA. Sociology. Koalas. Probably blogging about my feels, music, movies, fashion, art, and everything else in between.